The air in your home can be more than just dry and uncomfortable; it can also affect your health. Dry air increases the risk of respiratory problems, skin irritation, and other issues. If you’ve been feeling unhealthy or noticing any of these signs in your home, a whole-home humidifier might solve all your problems.
Over 90 percent of the average person’s life is spent indoors. This is why you need to be adamant about improving indoor air quality.
Working with an HVAC company in Northern Virginia is a great way to install a new whole-home humidifier quickly and correctly. Read on to learn some common signs indicating you may need a whole-home humidifier!
Dry Skin and Hair
One of the most common signs you need a whole-home humidifier is dry skin and hair. Low humidity levels can cause your skin to become dry, tight, itchy, and even flaky. Your skin loses its elasticity, leading to more wrinkles and fine lines. Low humidity levels can also make your hair coarse, brittle, and prone to breakage.
Static Electricity
Static electricity is another indicator that you need a whole-home humidifier. When the air is too dry, it causes friction between objects, resulting in static electricity. This can be annoying when it occurs on fabrics and carpets but can also lead to a dangerous electric shock. Static electricity will be reduced or eliminated with the right humidity level in your home.
Dust and Allergens
Low levels of humidity can also increase the amount of dust and allergens that are circulating in the air. This is because dust clings to the dry particles, making them easier to inhale. If you or someone in your home suffers from allergies, a whole-home humidifier can help mitigate their symptoms.
Your Wood Furniture is Warped
Warped wood furniture is a common result of high humidity levels in the home. Excess moisture can cause the wood to swell and bend out of shape, making furniture look unsightly and difficult to repair.
High humidity can also lead to mold and mildew growth on furniture, further damaging the piece. By installing a whole-home humidifier, you can ensure that your furniture stays safe and looks its best.
Issues With Cracked Wallpaper or Paint
Cracked paint or wallpaper is another sign that you need a whole-home humidifier in your home. When the air is too dry, it can cause paint and wallpaper to become brittle and crack over time.
This can be especially noticeable in areas with high levels of heat and sunlight, as the air tends to be even drier in those
Installing a whole-home humidifier with the help of an HVAC company in Northern Virginia will help ensure that your paint and wallpaper stay in good condition and don’t become damaged due to inadequate humidity levels.
Let Our HVAC company in Northern Virginia Help You Out!
Overall, installing a whole-home humidifier can help improve air quality and reduce the risk of respiratory problems. Are you ready to invest in a whole-home humidifier? If so, reach out to the team at Honest HVAC!